I Took a Hiatus on Hating on the U.S. – How to Balance the Personal and Political?

For most of my life, up until very recently I, like all “decent” Americans, generally avoided involving myself in politics in any significant way.  Why?  Not because I didn’t care, but rather, because involvement in politics is generally seen by many Americans as pointless/futile and/or soul-corrupting.  I am not religious, but I have enough of a semblance of morality to have experienced this dark welling of hate and fury  when faced with the sordid banquet of American political life past and present.  It is so easy to drum up hate in oneself against others who are so immersed in fear that they are lashing out at anyone or thing that seems to threaten their identities or lifestyle.

For years, I kept up on the issues, but only selectively participated in large marches or demonstrations, or the signing of petitions.  I had a cynical and passive view of political life and action.  This was all before internet, started to open up the conversation and participation in politics.  I am not saying that the internet is a panacea, but it does challenge the media mogul monopolization of information.  And if anything I am a glutton for the closest version of truth that I can get.

As I saw the national political conversation expand beyond mind-numbing soundbites, I became intrigued as to the political possibilities of activism.  One thing that has always bothered me is this artificial divide between the personal and political in American life.  It was as if only the “experts” in political science, economics and law were qualified to weigh in on political matters.  Never mind that the linguistic root of politics is the latin polis – which means people, PEOPLE!  And while things were “good” in America, regular Americans were glad to shirk off their democratic responsibility to the experts.

But these days, we as Americans, don’t really have the luxury to “sit out” politics and still expect to – have clean water and air to breathe; have non-toxic food on our tables; have jobs; have a future free of life-sucking debt both personally and nationally; have affordable health care; have a planet; have our taxes go toward domestic economic stability rather than international military chaos.  And those who would wish that the American public remain in our political paralysis of apathy, ignorance and cynicism – are the very people who are the LEAST likely to govern well.


We Americans, have let too many foxes sneak into the hen house, a.k.a.  too many scoundrels into congress.  And now that we have access to all the information we want to really see CLEARLY the type of craven characters these mostly men are … we really don’t have an excuse not to be pissed and demand better.   But the system, the system hangs us up every time, or most times.  So systems need to be changed, but they won’t be fixed or replaced – in this sinister status quo.

No one said this life was easy.  And the whole “fair” thing is a fairytale that was handed to us as toddlers to convince us to share our toys.  But those who control our government aren’t interested in fairness or sharing power.  And it is up to us, those who believe in an “ideal” of fairness and justice to wrangle back the power.

And this is where I come back to my earlier reticence in becoming politically active.  I have always been most attracted to non-violent movements, and have been fascinated by their success even when facing  military dominant aggression of the state.  And I believe ultimately, whatever revolutions will come in the future, for them to be truly successful, they NEED to transcend the brutal tools of violence.  We cannot work together in harmony, mend fences, exercise restraint, attempt forgiveness when we are all armed with metallic weapons rather than weapons of wisdom, practical action, and compassion.

A little over a month ago, I started questioning my written voice – as I have expressed it in this blog. Early on, I wanted to forcefully express my discontent, backing it up with media references to support my frustration, and also offer solutions, via petitions addressing the issues of each blog entry.  And while at times, perhaps my angry voice may have been amusing or cathartic for some – I started to wonder – Do I really want to continue to buy into the idea that my fellow Americans who take different political positions than I do are my enemies?

How politically expedient is that?

Don’t get me wrong – I still believe that one can be passionate about politics.  But is there a way that we as Americans start looking for common ground?  Seriously, the politicians would LOVE us to continue to scrabble around about divisive and personal issues such as gay marriage and abortion, rather than focusing upon our shared desire to be gainfully employed, well educated and well housed, among many other domestic issues.

But if I allow myself to BUY into the idea that Americans that are whipped up into a fear frenzy by insincere politicians are my enemies – how are we as a Nation ever going to move beyond this political impasse and start showing our government who is the REAL boss?  We the PEOPLE are … but only united with common purpose.  The politicians have been using the oldest trick in the book of “Divide and Conquer,” because divided we are less powerful than the corporations that bankroll their elections.

So … I have been taking a break … just considering … what sort of passionate dialogue do I engage in that allows me to connect rather than disconnect with fellow Americans. We are in this together, and being divided against each other is a luxury of animosity we can no longer afford.

Guns and Racism and Madness – In White Folks’ Homes

I remember, when I was 15 my father handing me a semi-automatic.  We stood in the humid cool of his house’s basement  in Detroit, the only place to escape the stifling summer heat.  We both were and still are white.

My father had been promising me a surprise all afternoon, and when it happened to be my first shooting practice, I was less than enthused. In fact, I was annoyed with him and his glee. What sort of solution was this gun to any problem?  Why was destroying his basement with bullet fire any better than him punching holes into the walls upstairs?  His wife at the time would disguise the evidence of his drunk/drugged rages  by covering them with framed pictures.

At the point, that I held the heavy metal thing in my sweaty hands, it was already in the 80’s as the Crack-crime epidemic wore away at a city already violated by a decade of governmental corruption and mismanagement. Since the race riots in 1967, Detroit had hemorrhaged wealth and white people into the suburbs.   Detroit local news relentlessly lead with what bled, one murder, one rape, one assault, one violent mugging after another.  Gramma would moan,

Time Mag - Race Riot in Detroit

” Detroit used to be such a “lovely” city, and “they” have done nothing but ruin it!” I knew who “they” was. Even without the scrawled negroid features on the targets that my father had drawn on the wall in front of me, I knew who my father expected me to “have to” shoot some day.  Before handing me the gun, he talked me through the operations and warned me of the backfire.  I took hold of the pistol, and struck a triangular stance and fired at a human outline, unadorned by facial features, black or white.  What I remember most was this sense of brutality, the kickback jarring my hands and arms, the explosion still buzzing in my ears.  My father complimented my aim since I managed to shoot near the heart of the target.  He asked me if I wanted to give it another go.  I said  simply “No, I don’t like it” and climbed upstairs.

Breaking down the Barriers

My best friend at the time and since the age of 4 was Della*, her Mom was hillbilly white, and her father was a taciturn black man.  They lived two houses down from my grandparents on my father’s side. Della’s family treated me like family.  Every summer I returned to see them, their voices called out my name in a celebratory chorus. Their home was always open to me.  But my grandparents were squeamish about me having Della over for any extended amount of time, and wouldn’t even think of  letting me invite her little sisters over as well.  If something in the house had been misplaced, my Grandmother would grill me as to whether Della or her sisters had been in the house.  I remember the anxiety of both hiding and shielding Della from  discovering my families’ racisms.  I feared of losing her friendship, thinking she would lump me in with their hatred.  I didn’t realize yet, that Della and her sisters, being the first children of a mixed race couple in the neighborhood had been dealing with a racism from every angle since always.

It was understood that guns were a necessity in every Detroit household, whether it was black or white or mixed.  Guns came out for Halloween/hell night and New Year’s Eve.  Thousands of guns blasting skyward, never minding where the bullets fell.  The only thing that made sense to me was to hide under the bed.

I remember coming across my grandparents’ revolver in their bedroom dresser nestled in one of Gramma’s silk nightdresses. Della and I squealed with the discovery, but we left it alone.  Even though we were both tomboys, guns held no fascination for us.  We knew they were serious business and not toys.  Once a week, Della would relay to me in  thrilled-hushed tones how Burton*, the one-man security force of our neighborhood, had scared somebody or other away with his shotgun, sometimes shooting away in their direction.

Burton and his wife Felicia* were black.  And they supposedly were my grandparents’ best friends.  On sticky summer evenings, Grampa would sit on the front porch with Burton and smoke cigars and drink beers while Gramma would drink pop and chat with Felicia enjoying the chill of the Livingroom AC.

From a very young age, I learned that racism was never cut and dry.  The only person I personally ever knew to use the word “nigger” was Burton, directly and quoted by my Grandmother.  She would flash a devious smile and tell me – “Burton says, there are two kinds of blacks – the decent folks and the ones’ that are trashy niggers.”

The only black people that my father had any social relationship with was Burton.  He counted on him to watch my grandparents’ old house when he was out town.  This was the little white clapboard house that Burton had expected Gramma would leave him and Felicia, after 6 months of Felicia nursing her as pancreatic cancer rubbed away her life.

Unlike my grandparents, my father, who chose to live as a mathematical minority as a white man in Detroit, somehow managed to avoid forging friendships with anybody but whites.  But in spite of the fact that he and I would get into throat-scorching arguments about politics, economy, culture – I never let his beliefs interfere with my life choices.  After college, I went to live with him full time, and within a year I was dating Randy* a blues guitar player, whose mother was South Indian, and whose father, then deceased, was black.  His parents had both been professors at Wayne State University. He intentionally  struck a style somewhere between Jimi Hendrix and Prince.  My Gramma and I went to see him play in a Jazz club, and when he walked up to me like the gentleman he was, she gave me a wink of approval.  My Dad and he got along fine.  Every time I worried that my family would embarrass me or hurt my friends with some off-color remark or behavior, they surprised me by their civility.

Fuck Racism

The Many Shades of Racism in America

Since I was four, I spent all my days, except the summers in Detroit, and a handful of Christmas’s with my mother. Till grade five I was living in Virginia, then the San Francisco Bay Area, California.
She and I lived primarily in white majority middle-class enclaves.  I remember when  Alex Haley’s Roots came out on tv, that it was the talk of the schoolyard.  Inwardly I squirmed as white kids discussed the show revealing their racist preconceptions for the first time.  I realized then, t hat the silence about blacks as a source of corruption, crime, or target of hate, wasn’t a sign of being more tolerant or enlightened.  White people in middle-class California didn’t talk about black people in America because their (the blacks) existence in America didn’t matter to the whites.  It was the privileged ignorance ideology of – What I don’t see doesn’t hurt me, nor does it concern me.

And in adulthood, I always wondered at the conversations of the white middle class, when it came to crime.  And how they claimed a gun would give them a sense of ease and comfort, believing that its iconic presence in the home guaranteed safety for their home and family.  And generally, it was  always understood, that those who committed crimes were more often than not black. But this was only “hinted” at rather than stated outright.  What I never got, was – why were they so scared, these white people, living in a quiet and crime-free community, where people often neglected to lock their doors?  In a Northern Michigan kitchen, with the crickets creaking outside in the high grasses stretched out for miles, I asked one friend’s father  –

What  is the advantage to shooting someone dead over simply filing an insurance claim for stolen goods? 
Besides most break-ins happen when families aren’t home, anyway.

His eyes glassed over and he pinched his lips – silent.  My friend stifled a giggle, as we excused ourselves from the table to go to bed.

My oldest male cousin grew up in Grosse Ile, an upper middle class island of white privilege in the Detroit River, about 20 miles south of the urban border. And, I remember him at times  rant on race and crime and corruption in Detroit. Had they been in the same room, my father and he would be humming in agreement like a fine-tuned engine.  The family irony was, even though they despised each other, all the elders of the family thought Lewis’s personality was a mirror image of my father’s. Both were hotheads.  And both used drugs or alcohol for years to self-medicate their demons, what I later surmised to be undiagnosed mental imbalance.  And both were brilliant – with minds that could explain to you the intricacies of a combustion engine, and turn an everyday event into a riveting tale or sidesplitting comedic episode.

In both of these men was this strange concoction of daredevil dreams, intellectual (without the pretension) curiousity, sensitivity toward women and this bottled rage that came out in republican/racist soundbites.  My relationship with my cousin, once we emerged from the pre-adolescent years had never been antagonistic.  He was the closest thing I had to a big brother.  But as we got older our lives diverged.  I travelled the world, while he crossed the bridge with his first wife and her kids to live off the island.  He never was academic.  It wasn’t a matter of a lack of intelligence, but a matter of a hatred of authority.  He knew and he was often right that he was smarter than most of the bosses, and that he was damned if he would follow the rules of a fool.  I got it, because I was the same way, cause I took after my Dad. We were all rebels, who could be too smart and too smart-mouthed for our own good. We got it originally from Grampa, from whom we also inherited the curse and power of explosive rages.

Thing is – from what I could see, we weren’t so weird compared to other families I met.  Every family seems to have its secrets that it hides from society as a whole.  The last day I saw my cousin, a horror’s chest of secrets came pouring out. We hadn’t seen each other for most of our adulthood, (politics and lifestyle separated us.)   He told me of his unfortunate ability to remember way back into babyhood, and how he remembered his mentally ill mother trying to smother him as a baby.  His Aunt, her sister, told him that she told her that she had successfully smothered the baby sister before him.  I started to finally understood why he had turned into the type of man who would keep an arsenal in his house; who had dealt drugs for years; who never could pull it together,  2 time divorcee, while still being brilliant.  He told with eyes set straight on me, that if he was ever to get a “terminal diagnosis” of any kind, that he would take the opportunity to take some people out.  God knows he had the munitions to do so.

Ten days later, he was dead of a heart attack.

But I can’t help wondering after reading one massacre after another, carried out by some crazy white dude ….

There but for the Grace of God Goes my Family Member

I know about my family, and have been acquainted with many other white people’s families – and there are MANY troubled White men in our country.  It really isn’t that abnormal a thing. And I also have met many families of ALL colors who are comfortable spouting racist things, especially against Blacks … even Blacks against Blacks (which is a special topic that I am not really qualified to cover).  A discussion of this in an earlier blog – Silence is NOT Always Golden

Black and White Couch

It’s not that I am an apologist for anybody that kills innocent people.  I am not.  I am just saying, that it is RIDICULOUS for so many white people to keep pretending that the following have never been issues in their lives, or in the lives of other white people they know –

  1. Mental Imbalance/Illness in the Menfolk
  2. Racism
  3. Recklessness with Guns
  4. Substance Abuse

And that sometimes these issues are inextricably related.

It is time for us White folks to start pulling our heads out of the sand or our A**s and start addressing these issues at home and in society.  It doesn’t help anybody, let alone our aching hearts, by playing the game that Hollywood has taught us and “acting” as if everything is okay.

* Names were changed to protect the privacy of those referred to in this post.

My New BLOG is in TOWN

Okay, okay!  I have always hated the distinction of personal and political.  Truthfully, I don’t believe in that separation.  But at the same time, I understand why it exists, especially in the United States.  Our political life and our political discussions can get so cantankerous and controversial that we can end up hating our best beloveds without this artificial divide.

On the one hand, we realize that at the end of the day, it is best we get along as individuals, and neighbors and family members … and secretly we might prefer to live next to quiet (fill in the blank with your worst political enemy ________) who keep to themselves and know how to be a good neighbor, than our political compatriots who play their music too loud or park in our parking space, and make lewd comments or eyes at us or anyone else in our household.

At the end of the day – it is all about which rules are most important to be followed in which realm, and people are complex.  So we play this little dance, of being different selves with different people, according to what our commonground is …. the is how REAL people behave in the world.  Why can’t politicians behave that way?

Well, in the theme of divided realities, I have created a new blog

Survival Tips for the 21st Century: A Renaissance Woman Finds Her Way in the World 


I created this separate place, so that I express myself with a different voice and in a more personal manner.  In this blog, the tone I have set, can sometimes be fairly raw … and I need to have a writing space where I can express the softer and more personal side of Lizadeeza.

So … I will continue writing my rants here …. trying to keep up to a weekly commitment, but I will also be trying to build up this new blog … so wish me well!


America the Beautiful – Tell Your Politicians This is not YOUR Land to Pollute for Power and Profit!

The week before last Obama called the Congress to work with him on issues upon which they agreed.  One of those issues, which I believe ALL Americans agree, is the importance of preserving and protecting our natural spaces and environment.  Below is a video link produced by BBC that captures the incredible beauty of the Californian Gulf. ( I apologize for the lack of a more user friendly link – the Youtube link I initially placed in this post was removed by the user for some mysterious reason.  Possibly BBC wants people to visit its site rather than some Youtubers site)

California gulf


I look at this video and think, why do we continue risking this for oil – oil spills from drilling and tankers?  Forbes just posted an article that cites polls that American’s overwhelming want renewable energy over coal , oil, nuclear, and gas.  And this is due to our concern for our environment.


Yet, we as a nation are NOT making the investments toward the development of renewable energy infrastructure and technology.  Commercially and politically the nation continues to march inexorably forward with the development and production of dirty energies.  Why do we go in this direction as a nation with so much natural beauty to lose?  Americans know we are truly blessed having a country with such a magnificent heritage of natural parks and undisturbed habitat for flora and fauna.

The fact remains that as long as our democracy is run by big money – the welfare of the natural environment will be at a disadvantage. Thanks to the  majority Supreme Court’s rulings favoring the wealthy corporation or individual over the rest of U.S. when it comes to campaign finance – our environment is truly at risk. A good breakdown of the history of these rulings is here:  https://www.brennancenter.org/analysis/pro-money-supreme-court

The earth beneath our feet, the skies above our heads, the water we drink, the wildlife we watch in wonder – NONE of these have a voice in Washington, nor cash in the bank.

Lotus Position

We as Americans HAVE to take up that responsibility … to be the voice, to be the power to protect what is precious to us.  Because our politicians won’t pay attention otherwise.  Some recent examples on BOTH sides of the political spectrum

code green

So … I close with a handful of worthy petitions that I encourage you to sign that reminds these politicians that – HEY this land is not YOUR LAND to pollute for profit and power!  And please pass these petitions on – they DO make a difference!

  • Is the testing of Military sonar equipment trump maintaining the healthy environment of the Pacific for whales and dolphins?  The U.S. government seems to think it does – MORE of our tax dollars wasted to destroy life of all forms.
  • http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/stop-the-navys-war-on




Divide U.S. or Conquer U.S. – It will all be Sorted out on the Internet, the forum of Forbidden Conversation – Part 1

Early Christmas morning, when I should have been asleep with sugar plums dancing in my head – I wrote the following on a spiritually oriented website called En*theos.  https://www.entheos.com/   I enjoy participating regularly on this site because I feel it time well spent, rather than a timesuck, which I find Facebook to be.  Facebook is everything, just like YouTube is everything, and you can encounter the good with the bad.  These days,  I spend so much time on my own, which is fine with me since this is what I have chosen to do.  With a dietary restrictions placed upon my social life, I figure if I am spending any sort of social time with people in real-time or virtual time – it has to be productive and/or positive.  So I consciously choose the company I keep in the virtual world … and I prefer the consistency of spiritual substance, not religion mind you, but conversations and explorations into “How to make the best of one’s life holistically.”  But I am not interested in being insulated from the world within a “good-vibe-bubble” … I know the world is a many-flavahed thing … both sweet and sour, sticky and smooth, stodgy and swift, spinetingling and serene. … And I can’t help but dive into the messiest of messes, just to truth test the spiritual wisdom I gather and the life perspective I have been cultivating more intensively in the past year.  The messiest of messes on the internet?  Political/cultural debates in YouTube comment threads are the ultimate free-for-all.  The last post I wrote here, was on Elizabeth Warren and her viability as a candidate for President.  Because I had invested a fair amount of time writing and editing the post which was  inspired by a particular YouTube video, I was, of course, curious about other people’s views as well.  And this is the context for the following –

A few days ago, I wrote a positive comment to a stranger on the greater internet. This guy was acting like a troll, and rather than take him to task, I encouraged this person to try to unite their perspective (which had some truth to it) with a more positive/productive approach. The response I got was a heartbreaking revelation of how hard his life  had been thus far and that the trolling activity was more an expression of his existential nihilism (my words – but you get the idea).

The message was shockingly authentic and vulnerable … and it was written several days ago, but I just got around to reading it tonight. I hope that the fact that I wrote my response on Christmas – early morning – makes up for the delay. Internet can be a place where people are their most false or true self … and in the span of a week … I saw these two sides of a stranger, who may become a friend. I have to say I am grateful, I got the opportunity to lighten the heart of a stranger today. We should never underestimate the power of good intentions bound with positive action : ) Merry Everything to Everybody today!  —- Christmas 2014

The highlights of the conversation which follow this main post are example of the social phenomena that is occurring across the internet: dangerous conversations transforming into a civilized accord.  Strangers battle with words at first, fiercely determined to proclaim one’s truth or  to discover that of another. We slice away at difficult issues until all that is left is a sincere connection of humanity.  Why would two strangers, who have already revealed their worst selves, have  actively misunderstood the other, insulted each other’s intelligence, or aggressively challenged each other’s identities, not hold onto hate with all their might against their internet adversary?  Connection … the foundation of internet is energetic connection.  And anyone that participates on the internet intuitively knows this. Even if one intends to make a nuisance of oneself … it is to connect to others in a way that makes one feel significant.  Man or woman doesn’t want to be an island unto themselves , they want to matter – even if that mattering means they are known as a pain in the ass on the internet.  But if one really wants to matter, one drops one’s shield and sword and offers an olive leaf. The enemy that becomes your friend will always matter, because the friendship was hard-won.

In spite of our cultural mythology about the excellence of the individual over the collective, since the internet has come into being, the generations that have grown up with the internet have created the virtual social revolution – there are more social media entities than you can point a mouse at.  Why?  Because of  the ever-present yearning longing for connection, and not just ONE type of connection to others, but a great cornucopia of connections – connections via words – WordPress, blogger; videos – YouTube, Vimeo; Pictures we take – Instagram; Things we like – Pinterest; Ideas – Reddit, StumbleUpon; to rattle through the tried-and-true methods of  virtual connection.  In the following video by UC Berkeley psychologist Dacher Keltner emphasizes how the majority of humanity is driven to share in community.

Humanity didn’t get this far on the evolutionary path as lone wolves, but as partners, families, tribes, states, nations, and continents, all different versions of the collective that challenge the primacy of the individual.  But if we look back to the origin of the “excellence” of the individual, of the renaissance – the men, or women, but mostly men — women were occupied with children more often than not —- who individually defied the collective religious oppression that stifled their artistic or scientific exploration and discoveries – this is not the individualism that is encouraged by our mainstream mythology.  Nor is it the individualism of the American or French Revolutions that encouraged free speech and political action by individuals as an essential component of the creation of new states.  These types of individuality where you harness your inner spirit with actions you make in the world outside yourself are unifying.  Your essential self drives you deeper into life, rather than separating you from it.'With all these arms and legs, I should be able to do something better with my life.'

What is the modern individualism?  It is the commercial manipulation of our most rudimentary instincts to consume as many products INDIVIDUALLY as possible.  This type of individualism where each ONE of us is encouraged to buy a car, a house, furnish that house, partner up but at the same time be so dissatisfied with your body, your life, that you always want more for yourself and your kids and your kids, kids … so existentially dissatisfied that you are driven to question, challenge, devalue or attack the one’s you are supposed to love and be loved by, including most importantly, yourself.


Due to the commercialization of individual impulse – where one’s identity is supposed to be expressed externally via your body shape, your clothes, your car, your possessions … modern capitalist men and women have become alienated from their essential selves and further have become socially alienated – not so much because they ARE weird, but each of us is MADE to feel weird, until of course we buy the right product or pursue the profitable path of buy-buy bliss.

selfish girl with dolls

And I believe that this flourishing of social websites is the natural outcome of a society of individuals who are trying to find their way back to community, after being lost in a wilderness of commercialization that drove them to hate their bodies for not being beautiful; hate their spouses for not being sexy or successful enough; hate their jobs for not being glamorous enough;hate their neighbors for having too much or fearing them because they might some of what they have; hate their towns for not being the hub-of-the-universe.  Sure we can want more as human beings, but at what cost?

Comedian Bill Hicks brilliantly points out this existential crisis in this bit – It’s All a Ride –

On the side of media nihilism is Fox News, Rush Limbaugh et. al –  that imply that Armageddon is following the next commercial break, on the other side of pure unadulterated media appreciation of life – there are millions of hits daily for quirky cat videos, inspirational quotes, national/international petitions advocating justice or decrying injustice on a whole slew of matters.  The future and our place in it, is an ever unfolding mystery. But because so many of us can’t stand the suspense, we play mind games imagining we can control it with our fantastical visions.cartoons_sockratic1-1

And in the sea of misinformation, world-citizens must struggle to find out what the “real” political truths.  We are the polis, after all.  In our confusion, we wander or seek debates in order to hash through the contradictions of the American political landscape – asking ourselves –  Shall we dare to hope or shall we succumb to doom?

To be Continued –


  Continue reading

Art Break – When the Beats keep coming on Down

For a few days now – Not really feeling it.  Feeling silent … and just sad.  I called up a friend and left a voice message saying –

“I don’t know if I have just been missing the sun. Or if it is just my sucky life.”

Each day, I have a different perspective on how lucky or unlucky I am.  And seeing that nothing major has changed from one day to the next – I have realized that how I am actually is nothing more than a matter of my opinion at the time. It is absolutely random and ridiculous.  Thing is, living isn’t meant to be all sunshine and daisies, and in the U.S. we shame ourselves for not having MILE WIDE smiles at all times, in spite of Everything.

My present gloom,  all started – a couple of days ago, when I started thinking deep about Ebola, not in a frantic sort of way – but morbidly curious about how it will all play out.  It is interesting how the media plays up the negative consequences of inter-connectivity on a global scale.

Plenty of people worry about global-warming, but I cynically think that Mother Nature in her brutal wisdom, may not give humanity the luxury of another 50 odd years to continue its destruction of the planet.  I have no doubt that the planet will ultimately be fine, but that humans will be the ones to regret their destructive habits and the ones to pay for their careless ways.

What can we do?  Especially when so many are in denial – Those that are too busy saving the world with war or  capitalism or a warped view of religion.  Maybe they have a new planet set up somewhere as a destination get away?  Oh, that’s right – that is what heaven is for.  The alternate reality with angels standing outside as bouncers behind velvet ropes.  And somehow only the people who trashed the planet are allowed inside?

What IS there to do?

First of all, we need to wake up!

Focus on the present moment.   And focus on the good and the great in us and each other, our creative abilities to transform the ugly, the desperate, the cruel, the brutal into  lessons, into awareness, into artful understanding.  To go from tears to laughter, like children.

And to Live out loud and proud!  Dig into your soul, pour it out.  Living your truth is a revolution.

(When I am really frustrated – dancing like a madwoman often helps)

If you want to take back your power – you can breathe and listen with eyes closed to the Godfathers of Rap – when rap was first  revolutionary.  (Warning – doesn’t mix well with Yoga)

Public Enemy circa 1988 –It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold us Back –  No Bling no, no Babes, no B.S. here!

And for an insightful – “don’t believe the hype” musical conversation on the War on Terror check this out –

UK Hip-Hop Online Show – Combining Crazy Beats with Controversial


In the midst of the doom … all I can say is – hold tight and fight the gloom.  As long as we are here, we still have some living and loving to do!


If we Snooze we may Lose the Semblance of Democracy that Exists in this Country

I have been writing in circles for about a week now.  Too many thoughts come to mind. In less than a month according to all pollsters, the whole of congress will be in Republican’s hands, because too many Democrats are unwilling to vote.  The Democrats by lack of will  may just hand the government over to Republicans who –

  •  Brought us the never-ending war in the Middle East and expanding;
  • Shut down the government for over 2 weeks to protect the right of Americans to be uninsured (health insurance);
  •  Are working to strip Americans of the protection of Social Security in their old age;
  • Have worked feverishly to install Justices in the Supreme Court who have increased corporate legal rights while decreasing individual legal rights as well as weakening voting rights for all Americans;
  • Continuously deny climate chaos (climate change – is a ridiculous misnomer – climate change is spring turning into summer into fall into winter and back again, NOT climactic global catastrophe involving extinction of species, super-storms, disappearance of land masses due significant sea level changes – and global warming isn’t any better it just sounds cozy like heart-warming Phrase CHANGE PUHLEASE!


  • Work in lock-step with the fossil fuel folks who are funding the denial of climate chaos
  • Always push for de-regulation for the benefit of business to the detriment of the consumer
  • Prioritize the NRA’s campaign to protect the rights of criminals to illegally firearms over the safety of victims of violence and the greater unarmed population.
  • Promoted Dow’s production of pesticides  and Monsanto’s production of GMO foods for Big Agriculture over the health and safety of American citizens.

And last but not least they have only FOUR solutions to any political problem –

  1. Cut taxes for the wealthy.
  2. Cut tax spending on anything that actually helps the greater population – Education, Healthcare, Environment, Social Services, Regulatory Agencies such as the EPA, FDA, etc.
  3. Deregulating business/industries.

And when all of the above strategies fail  to right the domestic ills of the nation – they start WARS!

Throughout history – during times of national instability,  leaders  have always chosen the enemies for the people, either internally or externally, so as to avoid taking responsibility for what has befallen the nation due to their corrupt or inept policies.  Forever the finger of blame points OUTWARD!  No one dishonorable ever falls of their own volition; they need to be yanked from their post.  And the political tool for yanking out politicians is by voting them OUT!

But once we are committing to war and fear, the weak of the Nation wants a Daddy-figure, an authoritarian Republican leader who can lead us through the dark.  I say the Republicans aren’t leading us through, but deeper INTO the dark.

Our politicians tell us – better them than us!  And I say – What about NOBODY at all?  This  war game is played by old rules, and promoted by old lies.  Lies like – if we fight, we will be safer.  Who will be safer?  Not the men and women you send out. Not their families.  Not the citizens of this country, on whom you have drawn RED TARGETS on their backs, signifying – I am American, I am your enemy, I stand for everything you despise – I give you permission to hate me.

The End is Near

Inner Monologue

EXCUSE ME – I didn’t sign UP for this shit!  I didn’t give you (Uncle Sam) permission to ab-use my money, my body, my life this way!

I may be a bitch, but I am not YOUR BITCH! ,  Mr. Uncle Sam.

But what if I think back …

From Papa Bush’s – invasion of Panama and 1st invasion of Iraq – to Baby Bush’s switcheroo of enemies – Saddam Hussein becoming Enemy #1 instead of the Taliban.  Both of which were U.S. state sponsored for more years than they were our enemies at the time.

If I think back … I can probably count on one hand how many elections I voted in since I turned 18.


I can’t really give you a logical or honorable reason.  And I feel shitty admitting it, believe me.  But the only way to change something you are ashamed of, is admitting that there is a problem, right?  And then getting on with changing it.

And the same goes for changing a country.  What sense does it make to care passionately about what one’s country does or doesn’t do – and then not make the least action to change it?

I could give many excuses for not voting – like it is a done deal – voting won’t make a difference. This was and still is a cop-out.  Because the truth is without participating in the process, as futile as it seemed to be – I was as much part of the problem, as were many other non-voting liberals, democrats, radicals, or anyone else negatively affected by Republican policies.

And to prove that voting DOES MATTER – you only have to look at the Republican campaign to disenfranchise or weaken the Democratic vote

If it is true that the Senate is headed for a Republican takeover, we know they will soon be working in lock-step with the Republican dominated house.  We also know that  the Democrats don’t have enough unity or balls to be the same obstructionists as the Republicans have been since Obama first was elected. I mean, why bother, if their constituents don’t have enough cajones to support them in their elections.  So if we don’t want MORE and MORE war and everything else Republican and we don’t vote –  Who can we blame but ourselves?

The ONE thing that both Democrat and Republican constituencies can agree upon, outside of the 1 per cent, is that our country is “F’d” up economically, socially, and politically.  And with more than half of the electorate to blame, because they can’t be bothered with actually participating in Democracy, just complaining about it, something has got to give.  And do we really want to find out how much worse it can get?

If you are registered,then just effing vote, and if you aren’t encourage as many people who ARE registered to get out there and show our leaders our strength.  Consider that the American civil war, the Women’s suffrage movement, the fall of the Soviet Union ,the Egyptian Spring revolution,all came about by persons fighting for their right to be represented in politics, to have the right to vote in democratic elections. To them having this right was worth their life and safety.  And half the American electorate has been pissing this “right” away for decades.


Fearless Journal – Silence is NOT always Golden- Or Why Being “nice” ALL the time ISN’T so NICE All the time!

As mentioned in my previous post,  I rarely encounter a situation that irks me or inspires me to rant in daily life, so I have to go “looking” for a fight sometimes in order to justify the existence of this blog.  And the internet ALWAYS delivers Rantable fare aplenty.  Actually my source, is from a delightful blog    I am begging my mother not to read this – The link is directly below.


In her post she describes how a crazy event during a DMV visit where an employee was ranting hateful obscenities, inspired her to write a few letters to report this incident to government authorities.  And her story  got me to thinking about all the opportunities we have to stand up in our daily lives against all the UGLYisms we encounter today – Racism, Sexism, Ageism,  Classism as well as blanket bigotry against any other type of people who are generally condemned by society-at-large or within your community.

‘How?’ you may ask.

Ever been having a normal conversation with a friend, co-worker, neighbor, family member – and some stomach-curdling prejudiced/hateful statement spurts out of their mouth like a toad – and instead of you saying anything, you keep silent?  You do this to supposedly keep the peace, right?  But when you keep silent, you feel like a despicable and spineless turd for doing so?

Well here’s another option – challenge what they say with the intention to open up their minds.  Getting raw and wild and righteous in their face, may be what you want to do.  But never mind what you WANT – do what is MOST effective! The best way is to bring some humor to it, and treat the person with respect but show the falseness of their ideas.  It may feel uncomfortable, but if you do it in a way that encourages discussion rather than defensiveness on their part, then you will find it goes surprisingly well.  And this is how we lay the ground  for a more peaceful world, among people who are programmed by politicians and the media to hate and distrust each other.

My blog-length responding comment is as follows :

Really impressive on all levels – started out funny and then bam it catches your breath. It is important to write letters, especially when you have a specific incident to share with authorities. And especially when you have a strong writing voice. And I believe that all of us who care passionately about this ongoing heave-ho of changing the world, and have the capacity and time to write blogs or be involved in any media, shouldn’t fucking hold back.

I think we often feel it is better to be agreeable and quiet. For what? So the assholes will like us? Maybe we stop because we don’t think it will help, but MAYBE IT DOES. We don’t need to be super-heroes and try to change everything in one day. Who are we kidding?

Tao Te Ching – Lao Tzu – chapter 78

Under heaven nothing is more soft and yielding than water.
Yet for attacking the solid and strong, nothing is better;
It has no equal.
The weak can overcome the strong;
The supple can overcome the stiff.
Under heaven everyone knows this,
Yet no one puts it into practice.

We can’t all be sticks of dynamite. And for all of us, whether we are writers or activists or not, we often have opportunity to challenge the prejudices of our friends and family or acquaintances. This is where our REAL power lies – if we challenge the hateful/ignorant opinions of those who know us – we have more influence.

The other day, a Latino friend of mine ( I wouldn’t point out his ethnic “label” except it is actually key to the story) was saying some crap about black people.  Asking me why a friend of his, he was looking at Facebook, was dating a black guy.

I said – He’s probably a good guy, what other reason would she have?

He– But he’s black!

Me – So, what?

He – Well blacks are (something offensive – seriously I didn’t even want to register the slur in my brain).

Me– Well, you know, lots of people have the same feeling about Latino’s, do you feel that is fucking fair?

He– Well, many Latinos ARE (whatever the offensive word is) too.

Me– Listen, there are LOT of assholes in the world, and I can name a bunch of WHITE one’s – Can you top Hitler, or Dick Cheney, or Anne Coulter? Seriously – give it a rest, no race, religion, gender, sexual preference group, no color of the rainbow (and here I am just fluffing the story up it really was just color) – has a franchise on F’d up.

He– Yeah, I guess you are right.

So that was my small success of the evening – but I am seriously wondering about his internalized racism against his own ethnic group : (

I guess I did get a little RIGHTEOUS in his face, but hey we have a history of heated conversation – and we can dish it out to each other as well as take it.  For years he used to call me “B” – guess what that means?  And I would call him “A” – guess what that means?  Needless to say we have never had a cuddly sweet friendship.

Beyond this, we all should make extra efforts to get to know different types of people, especially people we have been “afraid” of … you don’t have to be all awkward weird and act like you are on a mission of discovery.  Just talk to people like people, IF you have a friendly chemistry – over time you can both share your truths naturally.  FOR goodness sake don’t ask stupid questions and treat people as if they are a lab rat, or some organism under a microscope to be experimented upon and studied or PATRONISED.  People are people and have every right to their privacy as you do.  Just be open to new people is all.  Baby steps would be to visit blogs that address groups of people whom you have never known socially.  And you can do your “research” there.  But if you want to reach out and be part of the particular blog’s community, it is best not to hide your identity.  Don’t pretend to be Eskimo, if you are black, or homosexual if you are straight or whatever weirdness so you can fit in … that is creepy …

If more of us really knew each other and had friends from all different kinds of backgrounds, all this prejudice would just disappear over time, because we would always have each other’s back.  And we  could tell the Politicians to

Bugger OFF and FIGHT your OWN wars!

We are busy making Peace over here!  When you get over your petty selves and your addiction to Power-Pushing the world around , you can join OUR PEACE Party – where we will PARTY till the dawn of the next millennium!

Fearless Journal – Too much Mis-information or Why the World thinks the Americans are A-Holes

I was pondering on Excess – today’s Daily Prompt  http://dailypost.wordpress.com/dp_prompt/no-excess/ and thought of the usual – conspicuous consumption, violence, global warming … you know all the cheery topics came to mind, but none were inspiring my inner rant at that particular moment.

And  Paddastoel, a visitor to the blog post – 
“Fearless Journal – The Choice – Them or U.S. – How the Everyday Citizen is Manipulated into Supporting War.” href=”https://riproarinrants.wordpress.com/2014/09/23/fearless-journal-the-choice-them-or-u-s-how-the-everyday-citizen-is-manipulated-into-supporting-war/”> came to my rescue.

In HER comment, she was well-informed and respectful of my opinions, so I didn’t get all hot and bothered with her when she mentioned that the majority of Americans support the actions of the U.S. government. But a rant started to bubble forth as I thought about how not only does the mainstream media/government of THIS country misrepresents the reality of other nations, but it does the same dis-service to the US of U.S., and to further scramble everything into a mess – the mainstream media/government of OTHER countries misconstrues our reality, by relying upon the lies of OUR media, to their people, as well as feed lies to their own people about THEIR domestic situation … and then those same lies head back to the US of U.S. And  this sickening swirly soup of deception is created which is destroying lives, economies, the environment, and whatever else serves the cause of Evil. As bloggers, we are a micro-media, and we have the opportunity to share sincere truths with other people around the world.The global mainstream media is doing us a GREAT disservice by spreading too much MIS information.

Paddastoel’s comment reads –  It seems that only a few Americans are starting to see what the rest of the world has accepted as fact quite a while ago. The fairness of it is an entirely different issue – however, war is currently crucial to your economy. The U.S. is attacking a number of foreign countries in the name of “democracy”.  

You can read the rest in the thread.



My Response –

Yes, I am aware of the oil-trade currency most likely being one of, if not, THE main reason why the U.S. government invaded Iraq in the first place, and has been itchy to attack Iran as well, as well as re-engage in these never-ending hostilities. This article provided by project censored – http://www.projectcensored.org/9-irans-new-oil-trade-system-challenges-us-currency/ explains it in detail. And yes, the main domestic industry that seems to be booming in this country is our military. And why wouldn’t it? As unemployment continues to grow, fear grows and hostility becomes a norm in the popular psyche. See http://www.nationofchange.org/it-s-fake-fake-fake-fake-world-1410107002 which explains how the media/government misrepresents the status of the U.S. economy, putting a positive spin on shitty.

This is EXACTLY why I am making this humble effort via Fearless Journal to share knowledge that can be used to loosen the stranglehold that fear has upon our lives. Both the mainstream media and the U.S. government are capitalizing on working Americans into an irrational panic – so they can carry on with the status quo of serving the 1%.

At this time, the U.S. government, is officially the demon child of the wealthy élite and the corporations, It is NOT a government of the people, the 99 per cent. The majority of Americans, including Republicans were outraged by 2 decisions made by the Supreme court, all of whom have appointed life-time positions, which has put every political campaign of ANY kind, whether it is for gun-control, labeling for GMO foods, or the election of a representative up for sale to the highest bidder. You can review these articles on Supreme Court Rulings on campaign contributions –
A couple of weeks ago, there was a vote in the Senate to create a constitutional amendment to undo the wrongs of the Supreme Court – it lost, with ALL Republicans voting against it, brazenly turning against the wishes of the MAJORITY of their constituency. Which is what they do best. They are the whores of the 1 per cent, or actually 1 per centers, themselves.

My friend, do not be under the illusion that ANY government actually serves the people, including yours, wherever you live. Governments are a necessary evil for modern civilization, and their morality is a reflection of who is pulling the strings. The American people, as a whole, are NOT pulling the strings. We vote, we sign petitions, we protest, we sue, we boycott, sometimes we riot, we educate ourselves and so on and so forth. The “majority” live in cities which are for the most part antagonistic to much of the evil in which the U.S. government is involved. The problem is that the less populated states, whose constituencies are more interested in promoting a particularly hateful and fear-based semblance of Christianity, and keeping their hunting rifles, than they are about ANY OTHER political issue – so unscrupulous politicians say the right things to them and then create havoc in Congress and the Senate.

I wish, I were far away. But there really is nowhere to go … you can be sure that US. Government has certain nefarious agreements with the majority of governments on the planet, and the corporations which are based in those countries. As long as we conflate the PEOPLE with their Government which more likely than not misrepresents them at best or abuses them at worst, we will NEVER escape the mindset that believes that military aggression is a viable solution for conflicting interests.

Thanks for your insightful comments, and perhaps you would like to guest post on a topic, as you definitely are very well-informed and have a lot to say. Feel free to contact me if this is of interest to you.


Fearless Journal – Short Reflections upon the Personal and the Political

In the last few days since I started this experiment, I have been reflecting upon the following

  • I am generally feeling safe and fearless at this point in my life, so it is a bit ironic that I started this journal.
  • I initially started this blog with a number of political pieces – and then moved into very personal material – What is going on here?  This critical voice in my head, adopted from criticisms I have encountered in the past is saying, “This touchie/feelie share your emotions and fears has NOTHING to do with politics.  Why are you wasting people’s time?”  (This is what I imagine folks that prefer political diatribes over self-reflection might think or say) – But one of my core beliefs is that you can’t have deep national political consciousness if the majority of the citizenry are personally unconscious of themselves and how they live their lives. For instance, prior to the American civil war, the Quakers were leaders in the anti-slavery movement.  The Quakers have a very personal religion, which guides their everyday life decisions and inspires their political action.

    Quakerism 101

    Quakerism arises out of a radical interpretation of Christianity that understands Christ as being a living reality in personal experience, not only in the Bible and Church tradition. The basic discovery of the Friends movement is – in the words of George Fox, the movement’s founder – that “Christ is come to teach his people himself.”

    While Friends today understand this in a variety of different ways, the foundational belief that underlies all of Quaker faith and practice is that God is knowable by every human being, and that the Spirit of God will lead us into all truth if we are faithful in hearing and obeying God’s voice in our hearts. Friends believe that all people have the capacity to know the truth in their hearts and to discern the will of God. Furthermore, Friends believe that not only are we able to know God’s will, but that through God’s grace we are empowered to do it.  http://www.quakermaps.com/info

  • Fear, I believe is at the basis of every evil you can come across.
  • Fear is one of our most basic human animal characteristics.  And it is the dark side of unification of people.  People can bond through love or fear.  And politicians are forever manipulating their constituents by throwing up fearful scenarios of this tragedy or danger if you don’t support their causes.
  • If we as individuals, have the capacity to understand, and then manage and ultimately release our fears – we have liberated ourselves from political ideological controls – our power lies in our clear consciousness that can participate in the political system without worry that we will be corrupted by or that we will corrupt the political process.
  • I would like to research how leaders create a fearful environment in order to control people, and compare how they use the same tactics of fear as a bully/abuser would use upon a victim.
  • One of the most powerful things you can do to reduce the POWER of one’s fears, is to face them.  Something in the shadows is far more threatening that the same thing standing in the light.  Truth and transparency level the playing field, because even if the Truth is a great challenge, seeing it allows one to come to terms with its actual effect upon one’s life, and one is able to adapt one’s life to deal with it.  Here is an example – If one of a couple is involved in an affair, and the one that is being “cheated on” has a suspicions but no confirmations of the affair – this is a very tenuous place to be in for both of them.  They are both supporting an illusion by not having full knowledge of the truth.  When the truth is revealed, there is an opportunity for change in the relationship, that could perhaps change things ultimately for the better.  But in the shadows, fears take over and create a hostile environment within the relationship feeding insecurity, deception, and estrangement.
  • How a great a part fear plays in the part of relationships of any kind determines the actual health of the relationship.  I would argue that much of what draws or binds people  together is often motivated more by a generalized fear, than by a unique love for  a particular person.
  • Fear in relationship to “loss of identity” and to the experience of “insignificance” – I want to investigate this more thoroughly, because I believe these two fears are enough to fuel evils of every size and category.

Each one of these could be a blog in and of itself … but for now, they are just ideas.  Ideas that have spun my mind in many directions.  What is it that I find the most compelling?

This was Day 3